About us
About the Apostolate
In 2008/2009, the Social Apostolate was extended with another day of aid activities, mainly food support, as a canteen for the homeless.
The pastor was Father Peter Randall, who saw the need for more help and the number of Polish-speaking volunteers.
At that time, many Poles began to settle in North London, thanks to this, the request for the possibility of the Holy Mass was accepted. in Polish, and a Polish pastor lived in the parish.
Małgorzata Shannon from the aid organization “PEEC” Family Center did her best to gain the first subsidy for food and with Father Peter’s consent, the so-called “Polish, Friday, hot soups for the homeless”.
The precursor and first guardian of the group was Father Rafał Huzarski SJ, he also became the first Polish-speaking Father in our church. The group of volunteers was made up of parishioners and volunteers of the “PEEC” Family Center, the coordinating and contact person between the church and the “PEEC” organization and gathering volunteers to prepare and serve meals was Katarzyna Wójcik – our parishioner.
There were more and more people in need of hot food, traditional Polish soups and sandwiches made of Polish bread could be obtained only in our church, regularly and consistently for many years.

parish priest Andrew Cameron-Mowat with the social apostolate team
The apostolate went through various crises, e.g. financial, when the “PEEC” Family Center stopped sponsoring the food costs, the entire maintenance of the group was taken over by the church. Father Peter, wanting to better understand and feel homelessness for a few days and nights, set off on a journey around London, without money, only with a small backpack. He later said that he understood why a person who is hungry, thirsty, tired and sleepy commits various acts unworthy of a human being. He believed that a group supporting the homeless in our parish was needed. Another crisis was also the lack of volunteers who would like to regularly devote one day of work to help the poor, the obstacle was also the high turnover of people and lack of experience.
Today we are a formed and well-organized support group for homeless and needy people.
Thanks to the support of the parish priest Father Andrew Cameron-Mowat, funds were obtained to pay for two jobs in the Social Apostolate and to increase the opportunities for helping the homeless and the poor in the north London area.
Many years ago, we included spiritual support in the aid program, regular Holy Masses for the homeless and funeral masses are held once a month. We celebrate the most important events in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. Every year we prepare Christmas Eve and Easter for the needy and the homeless.
Last year, 2022, the Social Apostolate was recognized for lifetime achievement and received the Diocese of Westminster’s “Love in Action” award for the best aid organization – for outstanding achievements, helping and supporting the homeless and people in a difficult life situation.