Place and what we do

The Social Apostolate is the point of first contact, people with various types of problems come to us: housing, financial, living, emotional, etc.


After listening to the needs and as far as possible, we offer on-site assistance or provide information about other facilities where they can ultimately receive help and support.


Many times people who come to us needed medical support and the arrival of an ambulance as well as emotional support during convalescence or during treatment.


Many times people who come to us needed medical support and the arrival of an ambulance as well as emotional support during convalescence or during treatment.


We try to make this place as friendly and safe as possible for people in need, so that everyone can feel taken care of and special.

The workplace has adequate facilities for preparing and storing food, a large room where about 60 people can eat a hot meal at the same time and video equipment.

If necessary, we can use the rooms for individual conversations, we have access to the chapel and the church during the Holy Mass.

There are toilets next to the room, and there is a parking lot in front of the entrance to the building, which we used to serve meals during the pandemic.

On days when the Apostolate is closed, at 1 p.m. volunteers from the “Legion of Mary”, a prayer group, serve sandwiches, coffee and tea.


For several years we have been supported by our parishioners: English, Latino and Polish groups, thanks to which our help can reach everyone, be more effective and varied. It is a special place under the patronage of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, who guards.

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